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The CallingEpisode 9|39min
Why Leroy Barber Lets Ministries Go
After jump-starting over a dozen organizations, he knows when he's reached the edge of his calling.
What It's Like to Live On Less Than Two Dollars a Day
Sociologist Kathryn Edin talks about what she learned from spending time with families that live on less than the price of a gallon of milk.
One Step Away from the Dumpster
Matthew Desmond takes an inside look at the inner-city nightmare of eviction.
What Can Heal Racial Wounds?
South Bronx Pastor Dimas Salaberrios talks about race, abortion, and criminal justice.
The Multi-Cultural Conundrum
Even multiracial congregations tend to have white cultural values. Can we continue to cultivate truer diversity in the body of Christ?
My Top 5 Books for Becoming a Better Neighbor
D. L. Mayfield recommends the best books for learning to love and serve those around you.
Don’t Give up on the Black Church
Many black ministers-in-training are turning on the black church. Here’s why they should give it a second look.
Mockin' the Suburbs
Why city-loving Christians are wrong to sneer.
Common Core Meets VBS
Louisville school officials and churches team up to help kids avoid the "Summer Slump."
Raising a Generation of Peacemakers, Part Two
What does it mean to be both a peacemaker and a parent at the same time? A guest post from Russell Jeung.
Raising a Generation of Peacemakers, Part One
Following Jesus may put us in harm's way. But we should never be alone in that endeavor. A guest post from Russell Jeung.
Rebuilding Ferguson, Residents Seek Local Leadership
Pastors, ministry leaders, and others emphasize community-led efforts.
Why Bankrupt Detroit Needs Art More than Ever
Seeing God’s design in blighted neighborhoods.
Bright Lights, Big Cities
Shifting demographics broaden opportunities for urban and suburban Christians.
Host "Midnight Basketball"
Give kids a safe place to play.
Powers in the Hood
It takes more than good intentions to do urban ministry—it requires spiritual armor.
My Bright Sadness
Coaching an urban youth swim team requires deeper capacities for sadness and hope.
Signs of Life
Joel and Rachel Triska asked their neighbors what they needed—then designed a community to meet those needs.
A Local Pastor Turned Public School Champion
Don Coleman, Richmond's newly elected school board chairman, wants more churches to adopt local, struggling schools.
The Top 10 This Is Our City Stories: Editor's Pick
And a bit of what our team learned along the way.

Top Story April 28, 2024

India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
The government plans to close its porous border with Myanmar to boost security, separating ethnic groups that straddle the boundary.

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